Ways to Give

Giving to St. Paul's supports our mission: "to spread the Word, build a strong community, and make the world a better place." Your donations enable us to deliver in person and livestream worship ever Sunday, maintain our beautiful building, and support our community. A portion of every gift you give is sent on to the larger Church (Upstate NY Synod, and the national ELCA denomination) to fund new church starts, campus and camp ministries, disaster relief, world hunger relief, global ministry, and more.



Donate Now
Giving Online

Donating to St. Paul's is made easy with Vanco Online.  Regular offerings, building support, flowers, memorial gifts, and any other donation can be made online.  

It's easy to set up your regular offering by setting up recurring payments.  Payments can be automatically withdrawn from your bank account on your requested schedule or using a credit card.  

Vanco Online offers a safe and secure way to make sure your financial commitment to your congregation is made, even if you are unable to attend the service.

Giving by Cash or Check

We welcome your donations during the Offertory at each service, or you may mail your donation to our church office:  

St. Paul's Lutheran Church

P.O. Box 363

Pittsford, NY 14534


Giving Stock

You may also donate stock to St. Paul’s.  By donating appreciated stock, you generally take a deduction for the full fair market value of the stock and avoid capital gains tax.  St. Paul’s doesn’t pay capital gains tax when selling the stock.  If you are interested in making a stock donation, please notify the church office at stpauls@stpaulspittsford.org.
